Mattapoisett Democratic Town Committee | Uncategorized
The Mattapoisett Democratic Town Committee, or MattDems, is a political committee dedicated to promoting the core values of the Democratic Party; educating our members and the public regarding local, state and national issues; recruiting and supporting candidates for election to public office; and coordinating and fostering relationships with other members and affiliates of the Massachusetts Democratic Party.
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, Democrats, Democratic Party, MattDems, Mattapoisett Democratic Town Comittee
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Download a free poster of Kamala Harris, created by iconic artist Shepard Fairey. This stunning piece, titled "Kamala Harris: Forward," beautifully captures her spirit and the essence of progress. We will not go backwards! Head over to Obey Giant's website and grab your free download now! #mapoli...

By Colin HoganMay 30, 2023 Three candidates also apparently coordinated with an Independent Expenditure PAC, which is against campaign finance laws. ROCHESTER — School Committee candidates Joe Pires, Anne Fernandes, and Greg Hardy, as well as Select Board candidate Adam Murphy, failed to file required campaign finance reports,...

Local GQP UltraMAGAs admit to using bigoted MFI voter turnout playbook. MFI is an organization which espouses hateful positions and policies, the sole aim of which is to further marginalize and discriminate against minorities in our school system. The GQP rails against “indoctrination” yet wants...

Please join the Mattapoisett Democratic Committee in supporting Frances-Feliz Kearns for re-election to the ORR School Committee. Please look at her website located at for more information on her and her work on the school Committee. Mattapoisett Democratic Committee through its Outreach committee has been very active...

By Jack W. Dean,  June 23, 2017 A national movement to amend the U.S. Constitution called “Move To Amend” came together in 2010 to stem what was seen as a growing issue of income inequality in the United States. Since the beginning of 2010, decisions by...